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Worldwide map of the spread of the novel coronavirus

At least 667,650 people globally have died from COVID-19 and 17,118,787 have been infected by the novel coronavirus that causes it, following an outbreak that started in Wuhan, China, in early December. The World Health Organization referred to it as a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

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County by county chart of COVID-19 in the U.S.

UPDATE: California and Florida hit new daily record high coronavirus deaths


California and Florida hit new daily record

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The Coronavirus Could Dodge Some Treatments, Study Suggests

In a laboratory in New York City, researchers coaxed a key piece of the coronavirus — its infamous outer “spike” — to mutate so that it became invisible to disease-fighting antibodies, according to a new study that has not yet been published in a scientific journal.

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INTERNATIONAL: Early in the pandemic, doctors traded tips across international boundaries

Amid the chaos of the pandemic’s early days, doctors who faced the first coronavirus onslaught reached across oceans and language barriers in an unprecedented effort to advise colleagues trying to save lives in the dark.

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U.S. virus pandemic splintering into many pieces

Once again, the coronavirus is ascendant. As infections mount across the country, it is dawning on Americans that the epidemic is now unstoppable, and that no corner of the nation will be left untouched.

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Misinformation on the virus is proving highly contagious

What went wrong during the Northeast's first COVID-19 spike and is the region ready for another?

Update on Virus spread, U.S and World Wide

Federal report on State's responses and those in red zone.

Research on illness-related absences during the COVID-19 increases

U.S. researchers identify evolutioary orgins of SARS-CoV-2

German And U.K. Officials Warn Of A Possible New COVID-19 Wave In Europe

Coronavirus Outbreaks in Florida, Arizona and Texas Show Some Signs of Slowing

OPINION:To defeat COVID, bring America's full power to the international fight:


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