Somerset County Maryland

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NIH study: Hydroxychloroquine had no benefit for hospitalized COVID-19 patients

The COVID challenge : How to Make Buildings Breathe Better

Biden Said He'd Walk Back Trump's WHO Walkout. Can All The Damage Be Undone?

Biden announces coronavirus task force made up of physicians and health experts

Cough droplets can travel beyond six feet, new simulation study suggests

New restrictions announced in US states seeing Covid-19 surges

Pfizer says early data signals COVID-19 vaccine is effective


Pfizer says an early peek at its vaccine data suggests the shots may be 90% effective at preventing COVID-19, indicating the company is on track later this month to file an emergency use application with U.S. regulators.

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A woman shed infectious coronavirus particles for at least 70 days without showing symptoms-- study

ANALYSIS: Biden has ambitious plans to curb the coronavirus. But they could face big hurdles in a divided country and Congress.

Nursing home COVID-19 cases rise four-fold in surge states

WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite Trump administration efforts to erect a protective shield around nursing homes, coronavirus cases are surging within facilities in states hard hit by the latest onslaught of COVID-19.

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Global coronavirus cases exceed 50 million after 30-day spike

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ADDITIONAL REPORTING: How a Coronavirus Mutation in Minks Could Wreak Havoc on Vaccine Development

Biden to announce COVID-19 task force Monday

oe Biden plans Monday to name a 12-member task force to combat and contain the spread of the coronavirus, sources tell Axios.

Why it matters: By announcing a COVID task force even before unveiling his senior White House staff or a single cabinet appointment, Biden is signaling that addressing the coronavirus will be the immediate priority for his transition, and then his potential administration.

  • While Biden still hasn't declared victory in Tuesday's election, his team is already planning to govern, and he and his advisers want to reassure the country they can address a health crisis that's getting worse, not better.

The picture: The task force will be led by three co-chairs: former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner David Kessler and Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith from Yale University.

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The time is now to develop a testing strategy for asymptomatic Covid-19 cases, CDC director says

UK's first mass COVID testing program underway in Liverpool

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